Slope Stability Factors
a. Spreading rockType of rock or soil of the region is known penelitianharus, as well as the spread and the relationship between rocks. This needs to be done because of the physical properties and mechanical a different rocks with other rocks that hold the power load is also different.
Information On the Dips
Dips is an orientation program designed to interactively analyze the data base related to geological structure. This program is a tool that can be applied to many applications and is designed to be used both for beginners, as well as for users who expect stereograpik projection analysis for geological data.The Role of Specific Surface Area and Cation Exchange Capacity in Understanding and Predicting Expansive Soil Behavior
Project Summary: Expansive unsaturated soils cover
one-fourth of the United States and undergo large amounts of heaving and
shrinking due to seasonal moisture changes. These movements lead to
cracking and buckling of the infrastructure built on expansive soils and
result in billions of dollars of damage annually (e.g., Wray &
Meyer 2004).
Overview Geotechnical analysis conducted to inform planning geotechnical characteristics diarea artificial lake. The most important thing is to provide information that will form deposits held. Analysis will be done denganmengikuti the steps below: Analyses were performed with the following
Soil Mechanics
Soil Mechanics is part of the Geotechnical which is one branch of science in Civil Engineering, in English means the soil mechanics soil engineering and soil mechanics or Bodenmechanik in German.The term soil mechanics given by Karl von Terzaghi in 1925
Landslide Disaster Preparedness
Landslides often occur in Indonesia, taerutama penghuja season. Disasters usually occurs in hilly areas so that afflict many people in the foothills area and destroy transportation infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and railways.Slope of The Land Toward The Hiding Horizontal
The greater the slope angle given the greater likelihood of erosion and landslides.stability of agricultural land sloping areas and to reduce the rate of soil erosion, it would require the following steps.1. Terracing, planting crops with system Ie terraces to prevent soil erosion.
Basic Theory of Geotechnical
This video includes learning about the basic Indonesian in geotechnical theory :
This science is necessary for geotechnical analysis and geotechnical investigations in the workplace or science.
This science is necessary for geotechnical analysis and geotechnical investigations in the workplace or science.
Process of Landslide

• The water that seeped into the soil will add weight to the ground.
• If the water penetrates the soil impermeable pellet acts as a field, then the ground became slippery.
Landslide Mitigation Procedures
Do not make us blame the specter of landslides if the rains like this but blame us why we want to stay landslide prone areas. Why did it happen Avalanche? tickle a question that everyone already knows the answer. Then how can we resist erosion answer is liari or prevent landslides. ngatasinnya confused!! if it continues so confused when brave?? I try to answer with some speculation that I get a reference from Ardiasti Berry Bro of the results of the thesis.
Mine Women Drivers
Many mining companies reason to make a decision to hire a woman as a driver, following some of the pertibangan:1. To increase production
because women do not like to stop or rest longer a cause
circle time is not increased.
Field equipment and Uses
Before doing field work or field geological studies need to be prepared basic equipment, namely:
1. geological compass
geological compass is generally the same, although different shape that is the main part is a magnetic needle, in degrees circumference distribution and a clinometer to measure slope.
1. geological compass
geological compass is generally the same, although different shape that is the main part is a magnetic needle, in degrees circumference distribution and a clinometer to measure slope.
Map Tilted Slopes
Slope is a factor that greatly influence the magnitude of vulnerability to flooding and surface drainage. Because in general it is known that the greater the slope of an area, the faster the water to drain off the water. To
determine how much influence the magnitude of the slope of the
vulnerability of the flood

Definition and Classification of Soil Movement
Land is part of the earth's crust is composed of minerals and materials organik.Soil very vital role for
PT Freeport Indonesia Deploying Comprehensive Evaluation
PT Freeport Indonesia held a thorough evaluation
following the collapse of a tunnel in the area of the Big Gossan
underground mining at Mile 74 district Tembagapura. Geological structure
of the tunnel locations were reviewed.
Evacuation in Underground Mining Big Gossan PT. Freeport Indonesia
Evacuation is done by cutting the pillars that have collapsed are in use and could not get out and spoil bring with exavator, loader, and tools penyemprot.Take collapse apart getmen rutuhan with jumbo drill and connect a pole that can still be used.In Rock Avalanches Type

• landslide areas (Plane Failure)
• avalanches Wedge (Wedge Failure)
• avalanches bow (Circular Failure)
• avalanches Guling (Toppling Failure)
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