Landslide Mitigation Procedures

Do not make us blame the specter of landslides if the rains like this but blame us why we want to stay landslide prone areas. Why did it happen Avalanche? tickle a question that everyone already knows the answer. Then how can we resist erosion answer is liari or prevent landslides. ngatasinnya confused!! if it continues so confused when brave?? I try to answer with some speculation that I get a reference from Ardiasti Berry Bro of the results of the thesis.

1. Changing Geometry Slope (Language jock we make ramps only)
The slope geometry changes on prisnsipnya aims to reduce the driving force from the ground or the forces that drive the movement that led to the slopes. Improvements to the slope geometry changes include pelandaian slope and making trap-trap/bangku/teras (benching) the exact calculation2. Controlling Surface Water Flow
Water is one of the factors contributing to slope instability, because akn elevate pore water pressure. The water control system can be done by setting good drainage slope with surface and subsurface drainage (Hardiyatmo. CH, 2006). The selection method is suitable for use in prevention but if it had happened on the previous gerakantanah it is necessary to support multiple methods of prevention.
3. Tree Planting dilajur Avalanche Prone
Plants can be used to control erosion on unstable ground. This planting method aims to protect the slope, because the tree roots will absorb water and prevent water infiltrate into the soil zone is unstable. Roots in the group to form rafts that hold soil particles in place. In such conditions the roots of plants umunua add soil shear strength (Hardiyatmo. CH, 2006).
4. Cementation (Language jock We mix it with cement)
According Dwiyanto (2005), grouting is a method to strengthen the soil / rock or decrease the permeability of the soil / rock by injecting a cement paste or chemicals into layers of soil / rock.
Grouting is a process with the inclusion of a fluid into the cavity or pore pressure and fracture rocks deep muscular at a certain time the liquid will be solid and hard as physics and chemistry, with the aim to reduce permeability, improve shear strength, reduced compressibility, reducing the potential for erosion Internal mainly on alluvial foundation.
Grouting is the injection of semi-viscous material (slurry material) material into the soil / rock with pressurized and through a special drill holes, with the aim of closing discontinuity open cavities and holes in a layer / strata destination (Pangesti, 2005)
5. Concretisation
Yes cuman ndikit powerful way expensive than Grouting is by pembetonan but this is only temporary because it only reinforces the deep soil composition while it is the same so temporary.
6. Powerful Ways And Most Powerful
Do not stay if you've known landslide areas like landslide ya live relocation, yes Gak

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