In Rock Avalanches Type

In the process conditions in rock avalanches be divided into four, namely:
• landslide areas (Plane Failure)
• avalanches Wedge (Wedge Failure)
• avalanches bow (Circular Failure)
• avalanches Guling (Toppling Failure)

Landslide areas (Plane Failure)
Landslide areas is a rock avalanches that occurred during skiing areas are considered average. Skating field might be the fault areas, cracks or bedding areas. Landslide occurrence conditions are:
1. There is free skating field, mean slope skiing areas should be smaller than the slope of the slope.
2. Unidirectional sliding direction or approach areas in line with the direction of the slope.
3. Slope skiing areas is greater than the angle of the rock slide.
4. There is a free field (there is no retainer style) on both sides of the landslide.

Avalanches Wedges (Wedge Failure)
                Wedge avalanches can occur on a rock where there is more than one independent weak fields intersect. Angle intercepts between the weak field must be greater than the angle of a rock slide. This could be a weak field area of ​​the fault, cracks or bedding areas. Avalanches way through one of the wedge can some weak areas, or through the line intercepts the second weak field.

Avalanches bow (Circular Failure)
Rock avalanches that occurred during skiing areas mentioned by the bow. Bow avalanches will occur on land or of a material such as soil, that between soil particles are not mutually bonded to each other. With this bow avalanches can also occur in rocks that are outdated and there are many areas of weak or crushed rock pile.

Avalanches roller (Toppling Failure)
Rolling avalanches will occur on a rock slope opposite direction kemiringannya slope weak areas. The situation can be illustrated with the blocks that are placed on an incline as follows:
If a> f and x / yn a <tanf, the beam would then rolling surf.
If a <f and x / yn a <tanf, the beam will directly roll.

Based on the shape and porous rolled them, then rolling avalanches be divided into three types:
• rolling avalanches after bending (Flexural Toppling)
• the form of avalanches roller block (Block Toppling)
• a combination of the two avalanches avalanches above (Block Flexural Toppling)

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