Various Kinds of Basic Pattern Exploration

To carry out exploration work in the field requires a proper design. In this case we start with certain basic patterns were adapted to the conditions of sediment genesis and morphology of local circumstances.

Archetypal forms are as follows:




Important factors in the selection of the basic pattern of exploration is as follows:

a. Surface state (surface)

b. Underground state (sub-surface)

(1) The pattern of squares

This pattern is used for conditions such as the following:

- The state of the surface (topography) flat

- Conditions homogeneous mineralization (regular)

(2) The pattern of rectangles

This pattern is used when the topography is flat and homogeneous mineralization conditions to one particular direction, but in a direction perpendicular to the first direction has a high variability.

(3) The basic pattern of triangles

Triangular pattern used for the bumpy topography and state of mineralization that are not homogeneous.

(4) The basic pattern of rhomboid

This pattern is used when the topography and patterns of mineralization were among the squares and rectangles.

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