Method-Method Decision Conto
This method is used to take samples from an outcrop. The tools are used hammer and chisel. Samples taken at the surface fresh and clean. This method is used only in a preliminary investigation. The results are unrepresentative of the actual state of mineralization.
This method can be used on a stope after blasting at a mine car or in the transportation of ore. This work faster than chip sampling. Samples taken at random. This method also does not provide a thorough overview that can represent the existing ore deposits.
In bulk sampling, samples are taken in large quantities. Drill core samples may be large, or a certain amount of material taken from the trench by using a bulldozer.
This method can be used in the sediment contained in the surface and also in an underground mine. For shallow sediments, this method is used in a test well. Groove (channel) is made on the side of the test wells. At a hydrothermal sediment mined by underground mining systems, channels made from hanging wall to foot wall.
Application of existing methods must be accompanied by an appropriate design. Some examples of chip sampling and channel sampling in the field application are as follows:
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