
"Dragline" is a suitable tool for:
1. dig "loose" material
2. dig beneath the "working level" where the "dragline" are
3. explore materials under water.
Besides the "dragline" is perfect for digging "soft materials", provided the size
"Track" of the "dragline" must:
- Wider
- Longer than the proper size
it is intended to avoid collapse "dragline" in the region consisting of "soft materials".
Keep in mind that "this work dragline" overcasting "is shedding material, thus

- Size of the "bucket" it must be bigger than the "dipper" in the same capacity
- Time to dredge, "bucket" because it should not be too Munjung material will spill when swung upward.
Size of the "boom" and "bucket" of the "dragline" depending on the type of material to be excavated. If the material is soft and lightweight, the size of "bucket" can be bigger.

Specifications "Dragline"
Size "dragline"
Size "dragline" (size of dragline) based on the size of the "bucket" of his, and expressed with cu yd (cubic yard). Although the actual "bucket" of the "dragline" can be changed. The replacement of sorts and sizes "bucket" depends on:
- Long "boom"
- Kind of material excavated.
  Size "dragline" is:
- Small size, has a "bucket" ¼ - 2 cu yd
- Medium size, has a "bucket" 2-8 cu yd
- Large size, have a "bucket" 8-35 cu yad or more.
"Bucket" with the same size may have heavy "bucket" is different, it depends on the material or rock to be excavated.
Various "dragline"
Based on "mounted" her, "dragline" is classified into three types,
1. "Crawler mounted dragline" (image a)
2. "Wheel mounted dragline" (figure b)
3. "Truck mounted dragline". (image c)

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