Dozing up and down (displacing in slope)
Dozing up and down (displacing in slope)
a. If the work area try to push material from the slope of the area is more
higher to a lower area.
b. Be careful when working on slopes that are not reversed, when the tractor slipped
laterally towards the tractor immediately turn down.
c. Do not cut off the bottom of the cliff as it will sharpen berlabihan
cliffs, keep your distance not too close to the edge or just below
d. Doing the work of the low area to a higher area will force
dozer work harder, for the operator should always use a gear
the transmission oil temperature indicator and note the transmission from overheating,
hidarkan slip on shoe track.
e. Cut slope: if possible, do the pieces start to decline.
berkerjalah the tractor tilted position in cutting the fence. terrace
should be made wide enough
f. When the operator will cut a hill then do push technique
starting from the front as shown below.
a. If the work area try to push material from the slope of the area is more
higher to a lower area.
b. Be careful when working on slopes that are not reversed, when the tractor slipped
laterally towards the tractor immediately turn down.
c. Do not cut off the bottom of the cliff as it will sharpen berlabihan
cliffs, keep your distance not too close to the edge or just below
d. Doing the work of the low area to a higher area will force
dozer work harder, for the operator should always use a gear
the transmission oil temperature indicator and note the transmission from overheating,
hidarkan slip on shoe track.
e. Cut slope: if possible, do the pieces start to decline.
berkerjalah the tractor tilted position in cutting the fence. terrace
should be made wide enough
f. When the operator will cut a hill then do push technique
starting from the front as shown below.
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