Definition and Classification of Soil Movement

Land is part of the earth's crust is composed of minerals and materials organik.Soil very vital role for all life on earth as the ground support plant life by providing nutrients and water as well as the support akar.structure hollow-ground cavities also be a good place for roots grow.Soil to breathe and also a habitat for various living microorganisms. majority of land animals, the land became land to live and move.

Understanding avalanche (landslide) with ground motion (massmovement) has kesamaan.Untuk provide avalanche definition need clarification both. Ground motion is mass transfer soil / rock in the direction vertical, horizontal or inclined from its original position. Creep ground motion includes motion and flow and avalanches Avalanche.Accordingt this definition is part of the ground motion (Purbohadiwidjojo, in Pangular, 1985).

If you think this definition of mass transfer soil / rock in the direction vertical ground motion is included, then the resulting bulging vertical movement (deflection) due to the collapse of the foundation can be included also in jenisgerakan ground. Thus the meaning becomes very major land movement (mass movement) by Hutchinsons (1968, in Hansen, 1984) consists of rayapan (creep) and avalanche (landslide) which are further divided into sub-groups of slip (slide), flow (flows), fallout (fall) and glide (slip).

Definition avalanche (landslide) by Sharpe (1938, in Hansen, 1984), is a slide or slip (sliding) or dropping (falling) of the rock mass / soil or a mixture of both.
Based on the definition and classification of landslides (Varnes, 1978) it was concluded that the ground motion (mass movement) is the displacement or movement of the upper slope movement or mass movement of soil and rock in the direction of vertical, horizontal or inclined from its original position.

Avalanche (landslide) is part of the ground motion, kind consists of fallout (fall), topple, (slides), (slump), (flow), or a stretch of horizontal lateral movement (lateral spread), rayapan (creep) and avalanche compound for distinguish avalanche, landslide, which contains a broad sense, the term used to avalanche slides consisting atasluncuran slip or slide (slip avalanches translational) and nendatan or slump (rotational slip avalanches). Various types of avalanche (landslide) in some classifications above can be explained as follows:
1. Dropping (Fall) is dropping or rock mass moves through the air, including the motion of falling
  free, jumping and skidding rocks materials and debris without a lot of overlap with one another.
  Including this type of movement is debris (urug, lawina, avalanche) rock, debris or soil material.

2. Avalanche-avalanche slip (slides) is the motion caused
   by collapse through one or several fields that can be observed
   or suspected. Slides are further divided into two types. called glide
  (slide) when affected translational motion and composition of the material
  a lot has changed .. When the avalanche slip with material composition has not changed much and is    
  generally influenced by rotational motion, then disebutnendatan (slump), Including slip avalanches are:  
  sliding blocks of soil and debris material, and nendatan ground

3. Flow is influenced by the amount of movement or content of groundwater levels,
occurs in unconsolidated material. Moving landslides antaramaterial field generally can not be recognized. Included in this type of movement is Sandrun dry flow, flow stone fragments, aliranloess. While this type of motion wet flow is the flow of sand-silt, alirantanah fast, slow soil flow, mud flow and debris flow material.

4. Avalanches compound (complex landslide) is a combination of two or three types of movement at the top. In general, multiple avalanches occur in nature, but usually there is one prominent type of movement or lebihdominan. According Pastuto (Indonesia state) and Soldati (1997), the lateral stretch diantaranyaadalah compound avalanche of rocks, soil and debris material.

5.Avalanches compound is a movement that can be distinguished in terms of speed of movement which are usually fairly slow (Zaruba & Mencl, 1969; Hansen, 1984).
To distinguish landslide and creep, the soil needs to know the speed of movement (Table 4). creep can be divided into three types, namely: rayapan seasonally-influenced climate, which is influenced rayapan constant shear strength of creep-related drove slope collapse or other mass transfer (Hansen, 1984).

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