Geophysical method used as a tool to find the difference (anomaly) caused by the deposition of minerals hidden beneath the earth's surface. In general, the deposition of minerals hidden beneath the earth's surface that has one or more physical properties of the different physical properties of rocks around it, so that the difference can be noted (measured) with geophysical equipment. Geophysical methods are expensive and the results are not always thorough and convincing, because it depends on the skill of interpretation of the anomalies and geological data obtained. However this method can be very helpful in directing exploration activities in the future

F. INVESTIGATION WITH geochemistry (Geochemistry Prospecting)
Geochemical methods used to record the changes in chemical composition is very small, ie the size of parts per million (ppm), in samples of surface water (river water), groundwater, sludge that settles at the bottom of the river, the land and the parts of the plant (trees) such as leaf, bark and roots caused by the nearby there are deposits of minerals or ore deposits (ore body). Basically all the minerals precipitate when formed will "merembeskan" fraction of chemical elements or metals that it contains into the surrounding rock layers. "Seepage" or metallic chemical element that is traced by geochemical methods. Therefore geochemical prospecting is usually performed along streams and watersheds (DAS) as well as on the mainland.
Geochemical Prospecting only able to help complete the data and information to drive in areas where geophysical prospecting should be done. But it is very useful for geochemical prospecting investigations in the area which, when investigated by geophysical ineffective, particularly for initial observations in remote areas are vast. Each sample of water, soil and vegetation components are carefully and systematically taken from the area being studied, and should be analyzed chemically with typical reagents and only sensitive to certain chemicals or metals (eg Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni and mo), although levels of chemical elements or metals was very low. Results of chemical analysis that mapped specifically to study the geochemical anomaly among others called halos.
Geochemical prospecting usually lasts not too long (0.5-1.0 years), while the number of samples (samples) taken from any place not many (1-2 kg).

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