"Dozer shovel" can be said to have been used in the construction world, "bucket" is used as an "attachment" to another on a "tractor" replace the blade, because the "bulldozer can only push material and excess material
scattered to the side. "Dozer shovel" is a tool that is used to load material
to the conveyance. To dig, "bucket" to be pushed on the material, if it had been full, "tractor" backwards and "bucket" was appointed to the spilled material for the next desired place.

Specifications "dozer shovel"
Specifications "dozer shovel" can be seen in Figure

 Size "dozer shovel"
The size of the "bucket" varies between ¼ cu yd to 25 cu yd capacity Munjung the largest. Commonly used and available lots are "shovel dozer" with size "bucket" 5 cu yd.
"Loader bucket" is more permanently mounted on a "tractor" rather than "blade
bulldozer ", of course taking into account a proportional ratio between the size of the" bucket "size" tractor ", so that when the" dozer shovel "work at full capacity in extreme circumstances (a position with the position of" bucket "Highest) do not get stumbled forward .
Makers usually provide security numbers 2 to compensate terjungkalnya "dozer shovel" to the front, meaning a draw with a heavy weight ratio "bucket" on a full time in extreme circumstances is two times.
To increase the safety factor for the overthrow of "shovel dozer" so heavy "tractor" usually magnified 40 to 60% greater than the payload capacity tumble (tipping load capacity), thus the size of the "bucket" and "tractor" should really be matched to each other.

 Various "dozer shovel"
Seen from the driving wheel there are two sorts of "shovel dozer", namely:
a. "Crawler mounted dozer shovel", driving chain wheel
b. "Wheel mounted dozer shovel" (wheel loader), the driving wheel tires

 . The workings and use of "shovel dozer"
 Way of working "dozer shovel" can be seen in the picture. If the area around the excavated material is flat, then the "dozer shovel" can work freely
in a pleasant position.

"Dozer shovel" very suitable for:
a. Make the "basement".
b. Pushing piles of material or soil and then loaded on a "truck".
c. Eviction or excavation work is field work of the "level" with
   "Dozer shovel" itself.
d. Very good and economical to "dozer shovel" This used to work loading the "truck" with distance    

    from the pile of "truck" no more than 15 feet (for time).
e. Should be "shovel dozer" do not serve load "truck" with a screening of more than 90 °. The  

    smaller  the angle playback, "body" "dozer shovel" the better.
   "Dozer shovel" (often called LOADER) in doing the work of digging and loading up trucks; truck    

   had one level then the "dozer shovel". There are several positions truck placement for "dozer    
   shovel" - which is so called "PATTERN LOADING". Fit the pattern for A to D (is a pattern   
  the truck after putting ourselves for Adala dimuatia stop. Patterns fit with the position of E is a   
  pattern where the truck back and forth to be loaded "dozer shovel '

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